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Neck Injury Inspires A Time And Labor-Saving Product
After Richard Arnold pinched a nerve in his neck trying to reverse the plugged cylinder on his grain combine, he invented a mechanical product to handle the job for him. Now Arnold, his wife Annete, and son Doug build and market the A1-100CX Reverser for CS Series New Holland combines.
  That product has been so well received by farmers that they introduced similar reversers for Lexion CAT and Claas combines in 2017. Deere combine models are in the works.
  Doug Arnold says the idea behind their product is to reduce the amount of time and arm strength needed to reverse a plugged cylinder. After the concave is lowered and the stone trap is opened, their product is raised into place. It uses a ratcheting reversal system with a longer handle than the OEM wrench to reverse the cylinder. The reverser mounts into the combine’s hydraulic system with a spool valve so the operator can move the cylinder backwards and forwards to loosen the slug. The ratchet engages in reverse so the slug is turned out of the cylinder.
  Arnold says it probably takes less than a quarter of the time to remove a slug with their product compared to the OEM wrench. “It’s a time-saver and definitely easier on the operator,” Arnold says.
  On New Holland machines the reverser installs on the left side of the machine while on Lexion models it mounts on the right. The Lexion reverser eliminates the need to loosen belts to remove the slug. A low-pressure kit, for smaller combines, costs $3,500 while a high-pressure model is $4,000.
  Arnold says they’re now developing hydraulic reversers for New Holland CR twin rotor machines.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Arnold Innovations, P.O. Box 299, Hamiota, Manitoba R0M 0T0 Canada (ph 204 412-1900; www.arnoldinnovations.ca).

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #2