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Quick And Easy Burglar Alarm
It’s easy to make an inexpensive burglar alarm, says FARM SHOW reader Floyd Hazelman of Tremont, Ill. He had most of the parts on hand to create an alarm to alert him when someone opens his garage door.
  “I used a 6-volt alarm bell, a pair of car (ignition) points, and a 6-volt lantern battery,” Hazelman says. A string on the points connects to a plastic disc on the doorknob, so that when the door opens it pulls the string, the points touch, and the bell rings.
  At 78, Hazelman wants to be warned if someone is around when he is working in the yard and has the door unlocked, or if someone breaks in. It also lets him know where his grandkids are when they come to visit.
  It’s worked well, he says, and he only had to buy the battery, which he figures will stay charged for at least a couple of years.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Floyd Hazelman, Tremont, Ill. (hazelman@comcast.net).

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #2