Oil Filter Cap-Off For 2018 Ram Cummins Heavy-Duty Pickups
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Brandon Parks, Geno’s Garage, Cumming, Ga. (www.genosgarage.com; ph 800-755-1715): “The oil filter in 2013-2018 Ram Cummins heavy-duty pickups is notoriously difficult and messy to remove. Our oil filter cap-off tool threads onto the top of the filter, allowing you to easily pull the filter straight out without spilling any oil. The cap is threaded on the inside and comes with a screw-in finger loop on top.
“The problem is that on Ram Pickups you either have to remove the air filter assembly to get access from above, or go through the fender well area with the wheel removed.
“When you pull the filter out, you have to twist and turn so oil spills all over. This tool threads onto the filter, sealing it so you can get the filter out without spilling a drop.” Sells for $29.95 plus S&H.
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Oil Filter Cap-Off For 2018 Ram Cummins Heavy-Duty Pickups FARM SHOP Miscellaneous Brandon Parks Geno’s Garage Cumming Ga www genosgarage com; ph 800-755-1715 : “The oil filter in 2013-2018 Ram Cummins heavy-duty pickups is notoriously difficult and messy to remove Our oil filter cap-off tool threads onto the top of the filter allowing you to easily pull the filter straight out without spilling any oil The cap is threaded on the inside and comes with a screw-in finger loop on top
“The problem is that on Ram Pickups you either have to remove the air filter assembly to get access from above or go through the fender well area with the wheel removed
“When you pull the filter out you have to twist and turn so oil spills all over This tool threads onto the filter sealing it so you can get the filter out without spilling a drop ” Sells for $29 95 plus S&H
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