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Window Screen And J.B. Weld Used To Repair Items
Brian Lough, Indian Head, Md.: “When repairing items with J-B Weld epoxy or other adhesives, I first apply a layer of epoxy. Then I place strips of storm window screen onto the epoxy to add strength to the repair. For even more strength, you can add an additional layer of screen diagonally to the first one. Prior to using the epoxy, I clean all surfaces with acetone to remove any contaminates.
  “I used this idea a couple of years ago on an old tractor that I was restoring. It had a cast iron engine with a cracked block. I was worried that expansion and contraction of the metal might cause problems so I cleaned the cracked area, then used a die grinder to rough up the metal around the crack and applied a layer of epoxy. Then I placed a screen over the epoxy and added another layer of epoxy on top of it. Problem solved.
  “To keep penetrating oil from dripping away from seized or rusted fasteners and mechanical parts, I place cotton balls on the seized part and then saturate them with penetrating oil. This technique allows the oil to continuously penetrate into the part instead of dripping away.”

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #2