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Small Waterers Beat Big Ones
Bigger is usually better - and you would think that would be the case with livestock waterers - but a study at the University of Kentucky says the quality of the water is more important than increasing the size of tanks so more livestock can drink at once. “When I see people putting in a big 4-hole waterer for 10 horses, I advise against it. You are better off with a one-hole waterer so there is more fresh water coming through the system all the time. It will be fresher and cleaner,” says Dr. Bob Coleman. He says animals will drink more in summer because the water in a smaller waterer will be cooler. In the same way, they’ll drink more in winter because the water will be warmer. “If big stock tanks don’t have enough fresh water moving through them the water can get nasty.” Heather Smith Thomas

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #3