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Feed Bag, Flag Save Nesting Birds
Here's a simple and inexpensive way to chase nesting birds out of the path of an oncoming tractor and mower.
David Phillips, Zearing, Iowa, was tired of killing or injuring birds on his CRP acres so he attached an 8-ft. length of angle iron to the front of his Deere 4630 tractor. He slipped a white feed sack onto the angle iron and fastened a long fiberglass-rodded flag to the end of it. The feed sack billows out in the wind and the flag moves around, chasing pheasants, partridge, quail and other ground nesters out of the field.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, David Phillips, Rt. 1, Zearing, Iowa 50278 (ph 515 487-7567).

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1991 - Volume #15, Issue #3