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Solar-Powered Insect Killer
“Our new solar-powered insect killer draws in night-flying insects with a solar-powered light that charges during the day and shines at night. It works great in a variety of agricultural settings including orchards, nurseries, vegetable crops, vineyards and livestock farms,” says Richard Westphal, GreenFuture Equipment, Sacramento, Calif.
    The bug-killer is equipped with a solar panel mounted on a metal pole, which can be adjusted from 6 to 9 ft. high depending on crop height. Insects are attracted to a dual color light bulb housed inside a ring of electric wires. Dead insects fall into a large removable container.
    The machine is effective over a 230-ft. radius, or about a 3-acre area. You can mount it in a permanent location or move it around by bolting the base to a pallet, wheel rim, or other heavy object. 
    “It targets nighttime harmful insects including mosquitoes, moths, beetles, grasshoppers, and stink bugs, but not beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies which are mostly active during the day,” says Westphal. “It also doesn’t kill predatory insects such as dragonflies, lady bugs, and praying mantises, because they aren’t naturally attracted toward light.
     “The machine can be used with pheromones to help attract insects, and it can be customized with specialty light bulbs. For example, we offer a black light bulb that’s perfect for rice fields and a dual color one for vineyards,” says Westphal.
    As soon as insects make contact with the electric wires, the heavier ones fall into the container while the lighter ones get stuck to the wires. “The electric wires are programmed to rotate periodically and clean themselves by brushing against a rubber flap,” says Westphal.
    The machine is also programmed to turn itself on and off during periods of precipitation or low temperatures.
    The GFS-8 Outdoor Insect Killer   sells for $899 plus S&H.    
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, GreenFuture Equipment, 9727 Business Park Dr., Suite B, Sacramento, Calif. 95827 (ph 916 307-7579; info@GreenFutureEquipment.com; www.GreenFutureEquipment.com).

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #3