2018 - Volume #BFS, Issue #18, Page #06
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Electric Power Steering Added To Farmall “B”
Ken Hall, Purdy, Mo., updated his 1950 Farmall B tractor with electric power steering.
  “The tractor wasn’t that hard to steer, but with a 5-ft. Woods belly mower and 2 acres of wooded lawn to mow, I wanted power steering,” says Hall. “Now I can steer with one finger even when the tractor is sitting still.”  
  He found an electric power steering motor from a Saturn Vue car on eBay. He cut about 1 ft. out of the tractor’s steering shaft and fabricated 2 bushings to attach the steering motor to the shaft. He then fabricated a metal bracket to bolt the unit to the tractor, which had already been converted to a 12-volt system.
  “I think the same idea would work on any steering shaft with a straight section on it somewhere,” says Hall.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ken Hall, 9245 Farm Road 2060, Purdy, Mo. 65734 (ph 417 442-3843; klhall1@windstream.net).

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2018 - Volume #BFS, Issue #18