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Push Button Lock For Fuel Tanks
Locking and unlocking fuel tanks every time you fill up can be irritating and time consuming.
  Fuel Lock operates on 120-volt electricity and comes with a keypad entry system that lets you enter a 4-digit PIN number to unlock power to your fuel pump. After you’ve finished fueling, the fuel pump is automatically locked based on a time increment that you choose, which can be anywhere from 5 to 60 min.
  A mobile app keeps track of fills and updates the owner in real-time with email and text alerts.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Intragrain Technologies, Inc., 118 Husum Road, RM Of Sherwood, Sask. Canada S4K 0A4 (ph 306 570-7979; www.intragrain.com or www.fuellock.ca).

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #4