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Sand Blast Gun
New from Lindberg Products is a relatively inexpensive sand blast gun that sells for $41.
It operates off 60 to 150 psi air pressure and handles a wide variety of abrasives, including silica sand and metal shot. To use, you simply fill the unit's one-quart metal container with abrasive material and connect to an existing air supply.
Said to be efficient for sand blasting small parts, and for removing rust, paint and dirt from hard-to-get-at areas.
Gun body is zinc die cast. Comes with Diamonite nozzle and one hardened steel jet nozzle. For larger jobs, the metal container can be set aside and the gun used directly off a larger hopper or bucket, using a siphon tube.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Lindberg Products Co., Box 2329, Walnut Creek, Calif. 94595 (ph. 414 798-8514).

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1977 - Volume #1, Issue #4