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Low-Cost “Barrel Feeder” For Lambs
Old 55-gal. barrels can be converted into portable lamb feeders that cost almost nothing to build, says Tom Neuberger, Canistota, S. Dak.
    He removes the lid from a barrel and uses a torch to cut five 4 by 6-in. holes into one side, about 1 ft. from the bottom. “I cut a steel plate to size and place it against the barrel so I can draw lines for the holes. Then I cut them out,” says Neuberger.
  He then places the barrels against a fence or building and dumps 5-gal. buckets of ground feed into them.
  “Each barrel can feed up to 5 lambs at a time,” says Neuberger. “I use the barrels on lambs from the time they’re weaned until their heads are too big to fit into the holes. The holes are too small for their mothers.
  “Placing the barrels against a fence or building makes it less likely the lambs can tip them over. However, as the lambs grow they can get their head stuck inside the hole and tip the barrel over as they struggle to get out. I make sure not to keep the barrels outside for too long so that doesn’t happen.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tom Neuberger, 45052 260th St., Canistota, S. Dak. 57012 (ph 605 296-3314).

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #5