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Calf Catching Tool
Jim Zoucha first got the idea for his calf catcher about five years ago when an out-break of scours hit his calves and he had trouble catching them. It worked so well that he and wife Lisa recently decided to put it on the market.
"It lets you catch sick calves earlier and easier," says Zoucha, noting that his calf catcher works like a chicken hook.
The "Safe-T-Katch" is a steel rod covered with plastic that has an open-end hook on one end. You catch the calf just above the hoof. The specially-shaped hook is cushioned by the plastic so the calf can turn its leg without bruising it.
The calf catcher comes in two models that are sold together as a pair. The 3 1/2-ft. long model has a pistol grip and the 7-ft. long model, which weighs 4 lbs., has a forearm cradle. "The short model works great when you're driving an ATV and in close quarters where there's not much room to maneuver. The long model works better out in the open," says Zoucha.
Sells for $49.95 per pair plus $7.50 for shipping and handling.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Lisa Zoucha, Rt. 2, Box 179A, Clarks, Neb. 68628 (ph 800 846-5157).

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1993 - Volume #17, Issue #1