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26-Hp. Mini Road Grader
Abe Kemp, Franklinton, N.C., recently built a miniature road grader. It has a 7-ft. blade that works like the real thing but on a smaller scale. Everything is painted IH red.
    The machine is only 12 1/2 ft. long and powered by a rebuilt 1931 Ford Model A engine with about 26 hp.
    “I call it Abe’s Little Red road grader,” says Kemp. “I designed it myself without using any blueprint. I just figured it out as I went along. I used a big Cat 212 road grader as a model and crafted all the working parts myself. I built it just for show, but it pushes and maneuvers just like a full-size grader. In fact, I can grade my driveway with it.”
    He started with the rear axles and hydrostatic transmission from a Deere 316 riding mower. He fabricated the frame, tandem axle assembly on back, and the steering system in his machine shop. The turntable is a salvaged flywheel from a Cat diesel engine, with a vertical shaft mounted in the center of the flywheel.
    The operator uses a 6-spool set of hydraulic control valves to raise or lower the blade and also tilt it up or down at either end. The blade can also be shifted left or right and rotated about 60 degrees. The front wheels, taken from a Cub tractor, can be cambered left or right to facilitate steering in a tighter circle. A 4-point scarifier runs in front of the blade and can be raised and lowered hydraulically.
    The hydraulic fluid reservoir and gas tank were fabricated using 3/8-in. thick steel and are positioned just behind the operator’s seat. The battery is located under the seat.
    The road grader is equipped with five hydraulic cylinders – one to tilt the front wheels, two to raise or lower the blade, one to shift the blade left or right, and one to raise or lower the scarifier.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Abe J. Kemp, AJ Machine Shop, Inc., 7270 NC 56 Hwy., Franklinton, N.C. 27525 (ph 919-496-4857; janieabe@aol.com).

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #5