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Illinois Farmer Raising High Protein Rice
Cahokia rice has nearly 40 percent more protein than standard rice, and it is only grown in Illinois. Blake Girard reintroduced rice in the very southwestern tip of the state 15 years ago and recently added the high protein rice to his cropping mix.
  “It was developed at Louisiana State University using conventional screening techniques, and we had an opportunity to license it,” says Girard. “We named it Cahokia. It is the only packaged rice grown in Illinois and is traceable back to each field where it’s produced.”
  Girard emphasizes that consumers would find Cahokia rice quality to be top notch even if they didn’t know about the additional protein. It runs about 10 1/2 percent protein versus the typical 6 percent in conventional rice.
  Cahokia rice is available as either brown rice or milled white rice. Girard sells it in 2-lb. packages with 25-lb. packages also available. Most of the rice is sold locally or through a distributor. While it can be ordered from the company website, shipping costs are high.
  “Shipping costs are a barrier to mail order sales, but in-store sales have been good,” says Girard. “We really started marketing it in January, and growth has been exciting and much greater than expected.”
  In his marketing, Girard emphasizes the quality and the protein. He also promotes the small batch production and soil conservation practiced at the farm.
  “Some people buy it because it is local and can be traced back to the field,” says Girard. “Others buy it for the quality, and still others buy it for the higher protein.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Cahokia Rice, 31778 Lynn Lane, McClure, Ill. 62957 (ph 312 588-6585; sales@cahokiarice.com; www.cahokiarice.com).

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #1