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Tire-Saving Front Disk
"It saves one trip through the field and prevents wear to our tractor tires," says Ralph Weeder, Lindsay, Neb., pleased with a 12-ft. wide front-mounted disk he built for his 8640 Deere tractor.
The triangular-shaped disk is fitted with a single castor wheel up front and raises and lowers hydraulically by hydraulic cylinders mounted on the tractor front. The two disk gangs - one in front of each set of tractor duals - run at sharp angles to the rows of stubble.
The discs - 24 in. in dia. - cut up stubble in both corn and soybean fields ahead of Weeder's V-ripper. That saves a trip through the field and eliminates the problem of erosion between the time he disks and the time he gets in with the chisel plow. But one of the best benefits may be that the disk gangs knock down sharp pointed stubble that wears out tires.
"I've seen a pair of new tractors practically worn out after working just 500 acres of dry, pointed stubble," says Weeder, noting that soybean stubble is the worst. "This disk knocks all stubble flat, practically eliminating that kind of wear."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ralph Weeder, Box 83, Lindsay, Neb. 68644 (ph 402 923-0507).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #3