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Sump Pump” Empties Wet Vac
When he’s vacuuming up water, Harry Schwartz never dumps his shop vac until the job is done, no matter how much water he has to remove. His sump pump-equipped vac dumps itself.
  “My basement has flooded several times over the years, and the first time I was continually filling the canister and dumping,” recalls Schwartz. “My son Tom suggested the idea of using a sump pump. We went to the store and got a larger shop vac and a small sump pump that fit inside.”
  Once he got home, Schwartz drilled a hole in the side for the 100-ft. hose he attached to the sump.
“As the vac fills with water the float switch activates the sump to empty it so I can just keep vacuuming.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Harry Schwartz, 209 Jackson Ave., Sheridan, Wyo. 82801 (ph 307 672-8768; hhsjob@fiberpipe.net).

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #2