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Farmers Compete At County Fair
Toss a bale far enough and pound a post fast enough, and you could be declared a Super Farmer. The annual competition at the Brown County Fair, Aberdeen, S. Dak., includes tasks like stacking bales and pushing a wheelbarrow through an obstacle course.
  “We’ve been running the competition for more than 10 years,” says Derek Ricci, fair manager. “Each year we change it a little. One year it is stacking hay bales, and the next might be roping horns on a bale.”
  The contest has male and female categories in both adult and teenage divisions. Most years the number of competitors ranges from 10 to 20.
  “The concept is to educate the non-agricultural community to the work farmers do,” he says. “We usually get some non-farmers each year. Invariably we hear how much harder the tasks are than they expected.”
  Ricci notes that there is a definite rhythm to throwing a bale. “Inexperienced contestants wonder why theirs don’t go as far,” he says.
  While the Super Farmer title and trophy may be enough, contestants also receive prizes. Ricci explains that, like the contest itself, prizes change from year to year, depending on the sponsors.
  “Some years we award cash; sometimes we give out gift certificates,” says Ricci. “It is a fun contest to run. We always hold it on Sunday, the last day of the fair.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Brown County Fairgrounds, 400 24th Ave. NW, Aberdeen, S. Dak. 57401 (ph 605 626-7116; Derek.Ricci@browncounty.sd.gov).

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #2