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Feed Meter Reduces Waste, Boosts Production
The PigEasy “Meal Meter” is a new way to ensure pigs get the feed they need without waste. Pigs spin a wheel on the feeding MealMeter to auger feed into a trough or station. The device turns drop feed tubes into what the company calls ad-lib feeders.
  “The MealMeter optimizes feed intake at critical times in the sow’s reproductive cycle,” explains Katie Holtz, PigEasy, Inc. “In lactation and breeding, you typically see a lot of feed waste. Our MealMeter greatly diminishes feed waste while pushing feed intake.”
  Without self-metering, excess feed is automatically pushed out twice a day in the hope of the gilt or sow quickly consuming it before it gets stale or the water is turned on. With the MealMeter in place, the pig’s natural rooting instincts teach it to turn the wheel/nose whenever it wants fresh feed. Feed and water are available 24/7.
  “Our customers report getting more gain in sows, resulting in increased production,” says Holtz. “They see improved breed-back as well as litter sizes. When used during lactation, the sows leave their pigs in better shape.”
  MealMeters are priced at only $35.50 each. They can be used with a traditional dry trough with a customized 3-in. stainless steel PigEasy Feed Tube. It is designed to be installed in an existing crate at the right height and angle over the trough. Other options include using the MealMeter with various PigEasy feeding systems like the PigEasy Breeders Bowl.
  Holtz explains that the MealMeter, like other PigEasy products, was developed to improve labor efficiency as well as animal care. Her father, Dave Klocke, is a lifelong hog producer. Company products are a result of his search for efficiencies. New products are still tested at the family hog operation. Holtz reports that initial benefits seen there were quickly verified by customers.
  “They saw a great improvement in time management,” she says. “Dry troughs require a lot of time to maintain. Our system takes less time to manage, leaving more time to focus on animal care.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, PigEasy, Inc., 31423 Jade Ave.,
Templeton, Iowa 51463 (ph 888 354-0112 ; www.pigeasy.com).

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #2