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“Transfer Trailer” For Wild Hogs
Harry Stracener, Buda, Texas, built his own corral-style trap to catch wild hogs. At 81 years old, he needed an easy way to transport the hogs. So he came up with a 2-wheeled, 6 by 8-ft. “transfer trailer” equipped with a loading ramp on back that’s raised and lowered by cranking a hand winch. When the ramp is not in use, it folds back on top of the trailer.
   “One man can set it up in a few minutes,” says Stracener. “The trailer has 4-ft. high sides made from heavy-duty gravel screen. A wire netting cover over the tops keep the hogs from jumping over the sides.”
    The trailer is equipped with a tall metal pole at one corner on back that’s equipped with a winch at the bottom and a pulley on top. Cable is connected to the top of the loading ramp.
  To load hogs, Stracener backs up to a gate on the pen and then cranks the ramp down onto the ground. He uses the same process to unload hogs.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Harry Stracener, 514 Tanglewood Trail, Buda, Texas 78610 (ph 512 497-1151).

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #3