2019 - Volume #43, Issue #3, Page #32
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“Made It Myself” Chainsaw Disc
The Zoha is a 4-in. disc for a hand-held grinder that’s fitted with 22 chainsaw teeth so you can cut in any direction. The cutting disc Schulz made is 5-in. dia. and fitted with 8 chainsaw teeth. He uses it on his hand-held grinder.
“I came up with the idea because a local feed mill needed a wooden handle for a specialized tool they use to move railroad cars into position for loading grain,” says Schulz. “Over the years I’ve also used it to make several long wooden peavey handles for friends, and to make the handle for a cant hook.”
He used a protractor to make a template for the disc, then cut out 2 circular steel plates and bolted them together. A local chainsaw shop made the chain.
“We started with 4 teeth on each side of the chain, but I soon realized the teeth on one side weren’t cutting anything. So we took the chain apart and remounted all the teeth on one side,” says Schulz.
“It’s amazing how well it cuts. The first time I used it in my shop wood chips went flying all over, and since then I’ve only used it outdoors.”
Schulz mentioned the FARM SHOW article to a local Amish man, who said that many years ago he used to sell similar grinder discs at a small chainsaw store in Pennsylvania. “He thought those grinder discs were made for hand-held weed trimmers. He didn’t remember the name of the manufacturer, but said they had to quit production because their insurance company wouldn’t provide coverage,” says Schulz.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Niles Schulz, 6714 Buckingham Road, Lowville, N.Y. 13367 (ph 315 376-3460).
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