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Drop-Down Lawn Fertilizer Spreader Used To Apply Asphalt Sealer On Driveway
Cal Miner, Willmar, Minn “I use an old drop-down lawn fertilizer spreader to apply asphalt sealer on my driveway. I cover all the holes in the spreader with duct tape, except for the metering holes at the bottom. I fill the spreader about 2/3 full and open the shut-off lever. Then I start walking backward so I don’t leave tracks as I go back and forth down the driveway. The sealer drips out of the metering holes in a series of thin strips, and after I’ve covered the entire driveway I go back and squeege the material at an angle to smoothen it out.
  “This method is much easier and cleaner than pouring sealer out of a 5-gal. bucket and having it splash all over me. If I’m careful, I don’t even get my feet dirty.
  “To avoid leaving footprints, I trace around an old pair of shoes on a piece of plywood and then attach the shoes to the plywood with 1 5/8-in. sheetrock screws. They protrude about 1/4 in. out the bottom of the shoe, so I’m walking only on the tips of the screws.

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #3