2019 - Volume #43, Issue #3, Page #33
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Multi-Tool Mount Bolts To Floor
“I have several metal working tools that I have mounted on 2-in. hitch tubes with set screws that fit into the receiver tube,” says McLaen. “The tool holder is mounted solidly to the floor so I can pull or push as hard as I need to. Plus, I can quickly remove one tool and install another.”
The base is 1/4-in. thick, 16-in. sq. steel plate. It is mounted to the floor with four 1/2-in. anchor bolts. The upright tool holder is braced with four 1 1/4 by 1/8-in. angle irons.
The tool holder mast is 3 by 3-in. square tubing that McLaen “bushed” down to accept the 2-in. square tubing. Set screws are 1/2-in. screw-type bolts with T-handles welded to them.
McLaen installed mounting tubes on small and large benders, a rotary sheet metal shear, a 90-degree welding fixture, a 2-in. pipe saw, a paint shaker and a flat iron bender.
“It also works great for a vice when you need to do some serious pulling or pushing and don’t want things moving around,” says McLaen. “I’ve got other tools too, but anyone who makes one will have their own stuff to mount.”
McLaen notes that for some tools he likes to work at a lower height so he can take off a 16-in. upper extension.
“A lower height is just right to shear metal, and the taller height works great with other tools. It lets me work standing straight. I hate stooping over to work on things only slightly more than I hate working on the floor.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dale McLaen, McLaen’s Service, 13756 Hwy. 11, Rutland, N. Dak. 58067 (ph 701 724-6232; mclaen@drtel.net).
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