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Handy 90-Degree Wrenches
As an owner of businesses that use big trucks and heavy equipment, Kenny McCulley has accumulated an impressive collection of unique and expensive wrenches. But a couple of his “sideways” wrenches caught our attention.
    “I bought cheap wrenches (12 and 6-in. from Harbor Freight) and cut off the heads with a chop saw, turned them 90 degrees and arc welded them back on,” says McCulley. “They work in hard-to-get places, like taking a hydraulic line off.”
    The low-cost wrenches cut easily, he says, and he’s had no problem with the welded heads breaking off.
    “The weld may be stronger than the wrench,” he notes.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kenny McCulley, P.O. Box 133, Happy Camp, Calif. 96039 (ph 707 951-4943).

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #3