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They Specialize In Wiring Harnesses
If you have a wiring harness that’s burned or otherwise damaged, Porch Electric can rebuild or replicate it. The company specializes in not just harnesses, but also in everything electric for tractors – mostly of the IH variety, but they also do custom work.
  On the gas-powered Farmall M with regulator and battery ignition, for example, there are 10 product listings covering everything from the harness to the fuse housing and fuse, battery cables, rear light cable, and starting switches.
  “We ship to every state in the U.S., including Alaska and Hawaii,” says Eric Porch, Porch Electric. “We’ve even shipped to Canada and New Zealand. We like talking to people doing restorations and helping them out.”
  If you have the part number, very little conversation is necessary. If you don’t, just go online to the catalog and select the tractor and the series, whether numbered, lettered or in the Super Series, like the Super A, C or M.
  If lacking key information or just not sure, give the company a call, and they’ll help.
  “We need to have the tractor serial number and know whether it’s generator or alternator equipped and gas or diesel,” says Porch.
  If they don’t have the needed harness on hand, they’ll make it up. “If a sample can be provided, we can reverse-engineer the assembly,” says Porch. “We can manufacture a custom-made harness that looks like the original OEM specifications. That includes battery cables. We braid 95 percent of them like an OEM harness. We don’t do just a plain Jane cable.”
  The Porch braiding machine can braid cotton braid over cloth lacquered, covered wire or use a nylon braid. Custom harnesses consist of types and sizes of wire, solder and crimp- type terminals and pins, along with electrical components specified by the customer. Every termination is checked for pull test and crimp height.
  “Our most unusual requests come from people wanting to create a homemade tractor,” says Porch. “Orders can range from a couple of dollars to $1,000, depending on what you need.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Porch Electric, 205 N Main, Lostant, Ill. 61334 (ph 815 368-3230; eric@PorchElectric.com; www.porchelectric.com).

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #3