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Meter Protects Electric Motors
Martin’s Repair makes an unusual “hertz meter” that will protect electrical equipment when running a pto-powered generator. You can plug the meter into any generator-powered electrical outlet to check for the industry standard 60 Hz output.
  “When you start up a pto-powered generator, the hertz output can put out the right voltage, but not the right hertz frequency,” says Nelson Martin. “Before you connect the generator’s output to an electric motor, you should check the hertz level. If it is too low or too high, you can adjust the throttle.”
  Martin notes that many of their hertz meter customers are dairy farmers. If the hertz level is off, it can damage the delicate electronics in modern dairies.
  “Once our customers are confident the generator is producing 60 Hz, they often move the meter to a milking parlor outlet,” says Martin. “That lets them keep an eye on the meter to ensure the hertz level doesn’t drop if the tractor throttles down.”
  Martin’s Repair prices their plug-in hertz meter at $99.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Martin’s Repair, 25720 County Road 38, Goshen, Ind. 46526 (ph 574 862-3910).

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #3