2019 - Volume #43, Issue #3, Page #38
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Rust Control Product Also Deters Rodents
“We have a lot of customers who store vehicles and equipment for an extended time and one of the biggest problems they have is rodents,” says Lawrie. “The critters chew wires, seats, insulation, defecate everywhere and create a real stink. Cleanup is costly.”
Lawrie says a bus customer alerted him to the extent of the rodent problem, and the fact their Pro Fleet Care rust control product also repels rodents. “This customer had a fleet of 1,200 buses stored in a grassy area during the summer. Following the rust control treatment, he said the rodents left the stored buses alone.
“Our environmentally friendly product contains ingredients that act as a repellent,” Lawrie says. “I think the product interferes with how mice groom and clean themselves, which is similar to cats. They get the product on their paws, then lick their paws to clean their hair coats, and the product interferes with that grooming routine without killing the rodents.”
Based on the bus company’s success with deterring rodents, Lawrie theorized that farmers could prevent rodent damage to combines, tractors, motorhomes, antique vehicles and any items that attract rodents during storage. “Combines stored for the winter often have the perfect environment for rodent nests, including food for the winter.”
Lawrie cited a Wisconsin farmer who discovered rodents had chewed several wires on a 300-hp. tractor, which cost $7,000 to repair. “That was a costly loss that might have been prevented with the Pro Fleet Care rust control product that also repels rodents,” Lawrie says.
Aerosol cans of the product sell for $14 a piece plus shipping, or $144 for a case of 12; 5-gal. pails are $220 plus shipping.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Pro Fleet Care, 3189 Maderna Road, Burlington, Ontario Canada L7M 2W3 (ph 905 802-1491 or 905 741-5316; www.profleetcare.com;
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