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Amazing Garden Tool Collection
When visitors tour Millbourne Gardens in York, Penn., they discover a nice bonus. In addition to wandering around 25 acres of beautiful garden beds, they get to see a huge garden tool collection put together by Chuck Witman over the past 40 years.
    Witman, a nurseryman and contractor, started buying old tools at flea markets, auctions and other events. Eventually Louis Appell, owner of Millbourne Gardens, let him display the collection in a carriage house on the estate.
    The photos of his collection, featured recently in Vintage Tractor Digest, showed some unique items. The oldest tool is a push mower built around the 1880’s.
    “One of my favorites is a pruning shears somebody made out of a tree limb that grew into itself to make a loop for a handle,” Witman says.
    He is also fascinated by the ingenuity of some of the tools. One machine punches drainage holes in the bottom of a pot. A lopper has a noose that hooks around a tree limb and cuts it as it rotates.
    Witman is also fascinated by a piece of hose that is likely over 100 years old.
    “It’s a piece of canvas with rubber inside and outside and fine wire wrapped around to hold it together,” he says.
    Many of the tools were skillfully forged by blacksmiths. Most are heavier than today’s tools. Witman has used a few of them for gardening over the years, but notes newer tools are lighter and sharper.
    Still, the old ones reflect ingenuity and craftsmanship. Tours of the garden and tool collection are free by appointment. Call Witman to set up a time.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Chuck Witman, 2495 Pine Grove Rd., York, Penn. 17403 (ph 717 880-5236).

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #4