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Sweep Bar Pushes Branches Off Rock Rake Tines
“I had a 6-ft. wide rock rake on my small farm tractor that did a great job scraping up limbs and branches. But whenever I collected a pile of brush and tried to dump it, branches would stick between the tines,” says Missouri handyman Tom Roy. “I fixed the problem by making a scraper bar that operates with a double-acting hydraulic cylinder.”
Roy says the idea came to him out of frustration because he was constantly getting off the tractor to clear brush and branches from between the rake tines after a big storm. Building the device to sweep the branches off with a cylinder was real easy, Roy says.
He welded brackets to hold the cylinder on top of the rake frame, then built 3 control arms that move a 6-ft. wide bar to push branches and brush off the tines when the rake is lifted. Retracting the cylinder returns the bar to the top of the tines.
“The whole device added quite a bit of weight to the rock rake, so now it actually works a lot better,” Roy says. “I can also use the rake to yank out briar bushes and then push them off the tines without getting off the tractor.”  
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tom Roy, 5735 N Main Street, Joplin, Mo. 64801 (ph 417 781-1814).

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #5