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How To Protect Wrapped Bales Or Ag Bags From Hail, Rodents
The same company that makes weighted covers for bunker silos, eliminating the need for tire weights (Vol. 32, No. 2) also makes “Bag Armour” for plastic-wrapped bales and silage or grain bags.
“The fabric is very pliable so it conforms to the bags or bales,” says Eric Von Deylen, at Bag Man, LLC, the Hammond, Wisconsin-based U.S. distributor for Secure Covers.
The textured high-density polyethylene covers have been used worldwide for a couple decades and came to the U.S. in 2007. “There is a 10-year warranty against UV breakdown, and in Europe they’ve had some that are still in use after 20 years.”
It costs less than a penny/bushel/year to protect a grain bag from hail and bird damage.
“We’re finding additional uses for Secure Covers,” Von Deylen says. Producers use them for shade cloth and windbreaks to protect animals in three-sided sheds, while still allowing air circulation. For example, in Europe, a goat producer had a 15 percent death loss of babies due to no air movement in a solid sided shed. They opened panels and hung a secure cover, and the death rate dropped to 3 percent.
When not needed the covers can be folded and stored. “Secure Covers are about convenience and damage protection, and we’ve had great feedback,” he concludes. 
Check the website or call for a dealer near you.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bag Man, LLC, 634 Co. Rt. T, P.O. Box 162, Hammond, Wis. 54015 (ph 800 796-5333; www.afsbagman.com).

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #5