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Trailer Jack Eliminates Common Problems
“Anyone who has a trailer jack that is weak or wobbly, or who is just tired of conventional jacks, will be interested in our new TripleQuick Jack,” says Bernard Brandenburg, Bernie’s FabWeld, Ash Flat, Arkansas.
The TripleQuick Jack is a sturdy triangular-braced jack that automatically lifts itself out of the way when it’s retracted. “It has a quick-drop leg so you don’t have to crank it down every time you use it. Once you drop the leg, you just pin it in place and raise the load.”
The footpad connects to two angled braces that come off the front of the trailer. “The triangular configuration of the bracing provides exceptional stability,” says Brandenburg.
The pivoting jack rotates back as the jack is raised to transport position. “The jack lays flat within the standard A frame so it’s not in the way when stepping over the tongue,” says Brandenburg.
The jack comes as a kit and requires minimal assembly and welding to install. Instructions are included.
Single and double drop models with up to 3,000-lb. capacity sell for $200 and $225, respectively. “Custom jacks can be fabricated to match your trailer needs,” says Brandenburg.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bernie’s FabWeld, 28 Fairground Rd., Ash Flat, Ark. 72513 (ph 870 994-2744; brandenburgs@hotmail.com).

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #6