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Fold-Up Trailer Rides On Back Of ATV
Brian Dickinson’s home-built ATV trailer folds up on back of the 4-wheeler when empty. To use it, the trailer folds out to haul a 500-lb. load over rough terrain.
The 6-ft. long trailer rides on a pair of 18 by 8.50 turf saver tires and has a bed that’s 4 ft. long by 2 ft. wide, with an expanded metal floor. The unit attaches to a ball hitch on Dickinson’s 4-wheeler.
He says the trailer works great for use as a game cart for hauling deer and moose out of the woods, and for hauling firewood. “When I’m ready to mount it on the 4-wheeler, I just remove a pin from the tongue and stand the trailer up, then pull another pin just ahead of the wheels and fold it up,” says Dickinson. “I use straps and a load binder to attach it on back of the machine.”
Dickinson wanted something light, durable and easy to use so he made the trailer out of 1 and 2-in. tubing and added 8-in. high sides on the back half of the floor.
The wheels ride on an axle made from a 3/4-in. dia. steel rod. They give the trailer about 5 in. of ground clearance.
“The trailer is nice and low so it just ‘toboggans’ over rough ground. The low floor makes it easy to load game or firewood,” says Dickinson. “The trailer’s wheels track directly behind the ATV wheels, which works great in the woods. Another advantage is that the ATV with the folded-up trailer is short enough that I can haul them on my big trailer, without having to unhook anything.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Brian Dickinson, P.O. Box 36, Site 3, RR 2, Rocky Mountain House, Alberta Canada T4T 2A2 (ph 403 845-5259).

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #1