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Well Pipe Makes Sturdy Gates
While breaking ground for a garden, Caleb Howerton, Springfield, Mo., unearthed several 20-ft. lengths of old 1 ˝-in. well pipe. He had been searching for the right material to make sturdy farm gates that would stand up to abuse from his Idaho Pasture Pigs, while being light enough to open and close quickly during sorting.     
Using the well pipe and a few old bent or broken hog panels, he built several 40-ft. long gates to fit his needs. He cut the pipes with an angle grinder and welded them together. The hog panels were also cut with an angle grinder, and then tack-welded to the frame. All welds were made with E6011 rod. For the hardware, he used standard pipe gate screw-in hinges and a length of chain on the other end to hold the gate shut.
    Each gate took less than an hour to build, and cost Caleb about $20 each in hardware and welding rod. An added bonus is that the small openings at the bottom of the hog panels keep piglets from squeezing out.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Caleb Howerton, Green Thicket Farm, 1008 E. Farm Rd. 54, Springfield, Mo, 65803 (greenthicketfarm@gmail.com)

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #1