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Push Mower Fitted With Built-In Trimmer
While wandering through the recent Green Industry and Equipment (GIE) show in Louisville, Ky., we spotted this prototype mower fitted with a trimmer attachment that doubles as an edger.
When you hit a patch of weeds against a building or fence, just press a button on the patented Mow & Row’s control panel on the mower handle to activate the weedeater. It attaches to the end of a long hinged shaft, which emerges horizontally from an opening on front of the deck and then folds down to a horizontal position.
Press another button on the handle and the trimming orientation changes from horizontal to vertical, converting the weedeater into an edger.
Once the area is cut, just press a button again and the weedeater retracts back into the deck. The control panel can also be used to adjust the trimmer’s speed.
Inventor Jimmy Bernard says he hopes to license the Mow & Row to a company soon.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jimmy Bernard, Fort Worth, Texas (ph 817 301-5479; j.f.bernard@hotmail.com; www.mowandrow.com).

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #1