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Heavy-Duty Combine Cable Kit
“Equipping your combine with our new heavy-duty MudOx cable kit makes it easy to pull it out of the mud if you ever get stuck,” says Anthony Minnehan, Minnehan Metal Works, Churdan, Iowa.
The MudOx combine cable kit consists of custom-mounted brackets and cables designed to pull on the front axle. Two different systems are available - one for Case IH and New Holland, and the other for Deere.
The cables attach to big brackets that bolt onto each side of the combine’s front axle. From there a pair of cables run back to a centrally-located cable guide that is hung on the rear axle. When the combine gets stuck, the operator attaches a clevis and then hooks the tow rope to it. A pair of cable hangers on the rear axle, one on each side, serve as a place to hang the cables when they’re not in use.
“Pulling from the front axle puts less stress on the combine, and is safer than using chains. It also pulls evenly and prevents damage to grain augers under the combine,” says Minnehan.
The MudOx kit retails for $2,750 plus shipping. Monofilament tow ropes are available by request.
Minnehan also offers custom-made tractor tow cable kits. “They work great to pull out tractors that get stuck while pulling tile plows or liquid manure spreaders,” he notes.
You can see a detailed video showing installation at farmshow.com.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Minnehan Metal Works, LLC, 303 Beecher St., Churdan, Iowa 50050 (ph 515 389-3456; aminnehan@minnehanmetalworks.com; www.mmetalworks.com).

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #2