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Fish Net Pig Catcher
The frustration of trying to catch baby pigs while chasing them around farrowing crates prompted Bob Willard, Mildmay, Ontario, to try using a fish net and he says it works great.
The 16-in. sq., 12-in. deep nylon net has a 4-ft. fiberglass handle.
"It allows me to catch baby pigs quickly which reduces stress on both the pig and the operator," says Willard. "I can stand on one side of the farrowing crate, lean over, and scoop up the pig up on the opposite side of the crate. The pig can see right through the net so it tries to charge through it.
"I paid about $40 (Canadian) for the net which I bought from a friend who sells equipment made for the fish farming industry (Fish Farm Supply Co., 54 Centre St., Elmira, Ontario, Canaada N3B 2V6, ph 519 669-1096; fax 519 669-2864). I think an 8-in. deep net might work even better because I wouldn't have to hold onto the net to keep the pig from geting tangled up when I dump it out."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bob Willard, Rt. 2, Mildmay, Ontario, Canada N0G 2J0 (ph 519 367-5233).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #1