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Rear View Mirror On Tractor
I needed a rear view mirror on my Mahindra 2415 4-WD tractor to use on roads. I couldn’t justify spending a lot of money so I made a magnet-mounted bracket that attaches to the hood just ahead of the steering wheel.
  I bought a convex rear view mirror at an auto parts store, and 2 big magnets with center holes in them. Then I drilled 2 matching holes through a length of thinwall conduit to attach them. I inserted a nylon 5/8-in. plug into each end of the conduit. The mirror is secured to a bracket at one end of the conduit.
  Works great and I can see cars and trucks coming for a long ways. I can quickly remove it whenever I’m not on the road. (Doug Virostko, 1409 S. 14th St., Coshocton, Ohio 43812 (ph 740 622-0332)

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #2