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Amazing Open-Pollinated Sweet Corn
“We’ve been growing this sweet corn for a few years now and it produces great-tasting corn, is resistant to disease, and has good cool soil emergence,” says George Weller, Stanstead, Quebec, adding that best of all the corn is open-pollinated so you can save your own seed for planting the next year and get the same quality corn.
  The short season bi-color corn matures in 78 to 84 days with 2 to 3 large ears per stalk, each with 14 to 16 rows of kernels with excellent fill to the tips, says Weller.
  “I’m 6 ft., 2 in. tall and the corn grows to a couple feet over my head,” says Weller, who first got packets of the corn a few years ago from Cornell University. “I’ve been growing and improving the variety for 3 years now and thought I would make some of the seed available so others could try it.”
  Send $18 U.S. ($24 Canadian) for about 200 seeds, including S&H. You can use Paypal to order at Weller’s website.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, George Weller, 4945 Stage Road, Stanstead, Quebec Canada (ph 819 876-2528; gweller@ctq2.org; www.ctq2.org).

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #3