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Do-It-Yourself Simple Sheller
Need a way to shell a bushel of corn to feed backyard chickens? It would be hard to justify the cost of an antique shelling machine, so here’s a simple way to make your own.
  Just take a piece of 3 to 4-in. dia. pvc pipe and insert metal screws all the way around one end, spaced equidistant apart. Leave enough of a hole between the ends of the screws to allow the cob to pass through.
  Cut the head off a 4-in. screw and insert that end into the chuck of an electric drill. Drive the screw into the end of an ear of corn and then, with the cob spinning, push it through the corn-shelling pipe. The kernels will fall out the other end of the pipe. Some kernels will be damaged so the idea won’t work if you’re planning to use the seed for planting.

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #3