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Homemade Stairs Handrail
I needed a second handrail on the stairs leading up to our deck so that my wife, a stroke patient, could get up or down the 3 steps. Both sides of the handrail have a 1 1/2-in. wide, 3/8-in. deep recessed finger groove in them. The 2 handrails are about 3 ft. high and 28 in. apart.
  I made another handrail alongside movable steps that lead from the garage to our home’s mud room. It’s made from 2 by 4’s with a round handrail screwed on top of it. I attached a 19-in. long metal handle to the inside of a steel door to provide assistance as my wife walks up the steps. I drilled starter holes, then used large hex screws to attach the handle’s flanges to the door. (John Lubinski, Plainview, Minn. J.J.Lubinski@yahoo.com)

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #3