1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2, Page #27
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All-Hyudraulic Hoof Trimming Chute
Hoof trimming doesn't get any easier than with the new labor-saving, all-hydraulic chute from Wopa Foot Care, of Norfolk, England.Electric motors drive hydraulic motors that do all the heavy lifting. When the animal enters the chute, it's lifted by the hydraulically-operated belly band to take the weight off its feet.
The front and rear legs are placed in a loop sling, then raised hydraulically, one at a time, for trimming.
"There's no wrestling with the animal to position hooves for trimming, and no hand-winches to operate," the manufacturer points out. "We've had individual operators trim up to 170 animals in a single day with our new labor-saving chute and scarcely get tired."
Even transport wheels and front gates are hydraulically operated.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wopa Foot Care, E.T. Maltand Son, Elm Farm, Shipham, Thetford, Norfolk, En-gland (ph 0362-820254).
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