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Tree Band Stops Pests
Bugs caught by the Bug Barrier tree band are out of sight beneath the band as is the adhesive that catches them.
    The climbing bug band consists of 2 materials. The first is a double layer of 3-in. wide white fiber that is wrapped around the tree. In the case of deeply furrowed bark, a narrow putty knife should be used to push the fiber into the furrows so it clings to the bark.
    The bug catching material is a green film with adhesive on one side, covered by protective backing. Once the film is cut to provide an overlapping layer, the protective backing is removed. The upper edge of the film is wrapped against the fiber, leaving about 3 in. of the film hanging down below the fiber and about 1 1/2 in. away from the tree trunk.
    As pests climb the tree, they encounter the fiber layer forcing them to climb out on to the adhesive. The system has been proven effective. In a test on fall canker worms in Charlotte, N.C., a bug barrier on a single tree captured 9,500 adult females. Each one was estimated to be carrying from 100 to 200 eggs, so it effectively removed from 1 to 2 million pests.
    Bug Barrier Tree Bands are available in different length kits. The 10-ft. kit is priced at $32.99.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Little Hardware Co., Inc., 1400 South Mint St., Charlotte, N.C. 28203 (ph 704 253-4782; www.littlehardware.com).

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #4