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Attachments Build Road Shoulders Inexpensively
For years, Norm Pierce has made road maintenance equipment that can help rural townships and counties postpone road repairs, and also avoid the need to reapply new gravel on shoulders (Vol. 30, No. 6). He recently sent FARM SHOW photos of 2 “new and improved” attachments - a drag box that hangs from the back end of a gravel truck, and a loader-mounted “reclaimer” that reclaims lost shoulder gravel from ditches.
  “The drag box lets you put down asphalt to repair the edges of roads and deteriorating crowns and potholes, as well as distribute additional gravel to the road shoulders,” says Pierce. “I made my first one 14 years ago and have made several improvements over the years that make it more friendly to operate.”
  The dragbox hangs from a framework that is bolted to the frame of a dump truck equipped with an auger at the tailgate. When the box is in place, material is augered to drop into the “gravel” box. As it falls onto the road shoulder, the backside of the box strikes it off at the desired level. “The sides keep it restricted to the 18-in. width,” says Pierce. “Dumping to the left allows the operator better visibility of the box and better control over release of materials.”
  The drag box has a metal frame that pins onto a steel “leg”, which is welded permanently to the truck frame.
  A metal burm is used to direct material from the truck into the dragbox. The box can be raised for transport by adjusting a pair of chains that fit into slots on back of the box. The box also comes with a leveling device that automatically keeps the drag box level when the road surface changes.  
  The reclaimer is designed for loader tractors with at least 65 hp., but can also be 3-pt. mounted. It consists of a 5-in. square toolbar with a short hinged frame at one end supporting several big coulters. The coulters pull material back up to the edges of the road, with a hydraulic cylinder used to change their angle. Four 100-lb. counterweights are mounted at the other end of the toolbar.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Norm Pierce, 1250 Candlewick Dr. NW, Poplar Grove, Ill. 61065 (ph 815 222-7786 or 815 703-4256; pierceprod@yahoo.com; www.pierceproductsllc.com).

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #4