Volume #BFS, Issue #20, Page #03
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Precise Way To Seed Grass, Apply Fertilizer
“My family and I are growers for local farmers markets in Central Texas. We use rye grass for drive lanes and to cover areas around seasonal planting beds,” says Brock Powell, Belton, Texas.
  “The rye grass lanes provide erosion control, weed suppression and access to crops during wet weather.
  “To make it quick and easy to plant, I mounted a 12-volt spreader on a plywood bed that I made to fit the back of a golf cart. An extra 12-volt battery mounted on the bed is used to power the spreader.
  “In order to more precisely plant rye along field edges and rows, I installed a shield around the seeder made from lightweight plastic corrugated sign material. It has a smooth surface so seed slides off easily. It’s also flexible so I can bend it around the seeder, and it’s durable.
  “When operating, the seed hits the sides of the shield, dropping straight down in a controlled pattern that’s the same width as the golf cart. After seed placement, a drag is used to lightly cover it.
  “We also use this spreader and shield to apply fertilizer to crop rows. It saves costs by letting us precisely apply product only where we want it.
  “This has been a very inexpensive and useful tool for our market garden.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Brock Powell, 2608 N. Main St., Ste B-271, Belton, Texas 76513 (brock@groundpoint.com).

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Volume #BFS, Issue #20