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Under-The-Hood Air Compessor
How many times have you wished you had an air compressor you could take right to the field or wherever it's needed?
Try this one on for size - a new 12-volt battery-operated compressor that mounts under the hood of your pickup or truck.
"Our compressor will run off any 12-volt system and mounted on your truck, it will always be there when you need it, and out of the way when you don't," says Stanley Briggs, Bebit, Kan., manufacturer.
The Briggs' compressor consists of a 11/z hp motor and compressor, both mounted on a bracket under the pickup hood. Copper tubing runs from the compressor to a tank mounted underneath the cab (or anywhere else). The compressor develops its full pressure of 11 psi in 3 min., according to Briggs.
The compressor comes with a 15 ft. braided hose, an air chuck, a pressure gauge that can be mounted anywhere on the pickup and an on-off switch that mounts inside your truck cab. Comes ready to install and weighs about 90 lbs. Sells for $249.95.
Another Briggs model uses a special bumper as the air storage tank. Air is pumped from under the hood to the bumper and used from there. The bumper system develops 150 psi and sells for $429.95.
Briggs also has a 12-volt"compressor on wheels, with a 3/4 hp motor, that pumps 100 psi. It can be run off a truck battery or in a farm shop with a 12-volt converter. Lists for $229.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Stanely Briggs, Briggs Manufacturing, Inc., Beloit, Ks. 67420 (ph 913 738-5382).

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1979 - Volume #3, Issue #5