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Wireless 4-Sided Light Bar For Cabs
“Our new cab-mounted, wireless rooftop light bars work great on any tractor, combine, or skid steer cab. They’re easy to install and have bright lights all the way around that make night time driving safer,” says Steve O’Brien, Federal Military Parts, Cambridge, Minn.
The 56,000-lumen, 4-sided light bar installs with rare earth magnets so no drilling is required to install. The lights are powered by a single wire that runs to the vehicle’s battery, with no wires going into the cab.
A remote-controlled fob is used to turn the lights on or off. The fob is marked A, B, C and D, allowing you to operate the lights individually or all at the same time.
He says the 4-sided LED light bar does a great job of illuminating areas that are difficult to see at night.
“Most equipment, especially older equipment, doesn’t have nearly enough lights for working at night,” says O’Brien. “In fact, almost no equipment has lights on all 4 sides. That makes it easy to have an accident from turning into something you didn’t know was there.
“Our 4-sided light bar works especially well on skid loaders because they can pivot so fast. With lights on all 4 sides you see everything before you make a turn and never have to drive into darkness.”
The lightbar kit sells for $700 plus S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Steve O’Brien, 34064 Hwy. 47 NW, Cambridge, Minn. 55008 (ph 763 310-9340; stevenpobrien@yahoo.com; www.federalmilitaryparts.com).

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2021 - Volume #45, Issue #2