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Many Uses For Dead Sow Cart
"A dead sow cart is expensive if you only need it once or twice a year. Consequently, we designed ours so it's versatile enough to use every day," says Grace Mosdal, co-owner of Mosdal Feed Carts, Broadview, Mont., manufacturer of the new "Three-In-One Dead Sow Cart".

Besides using the cart for hauling out dead hogs, the optional steel flat deck and box make it a handy tool for carrying any type of heavy load, whether it be hay, oil barrels, motors or feed bags.

Featuring an undercarriage with four rollers, the cart has fenders and two small rollers over each tire, making it easy to pull a large dead sow onto the cart using a winch attached to the front.

A flat deck attaches to the top of the cart framework so you can carry other cargo. In turn, a box (22 in. deep and the width and depth of the undercarriage) fastens on top of the flat deck for transferring baby pigs, hauling bulk feed and other chores. Mosdal notes that a box 24 by 36 in. would hold about 20 baby pigs and about 320 lbs. of bulk feed. If desired, side extensions for added capacity, or a divider to keep litters separate, can be added.

Each cart is custom made to your specifications. A standard undercarriage, 22-30 in. wide and 36-52 in. long, sells for right at $445. With a matching flatdeck and box, the price is $545.

For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Mosdal Feed Carts, Broadview, Mont. 59015 (ph 406 667-4468).

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1983 - Volume #7, Issue #6