2021 - Volume #45, Issue #2, Page #21
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Cowboy Boot Loops Game
“The general idea is not mine,” he emphasizes, noting he saw an old, plain version of the game outside a Custer, S. Dak., restaurant and decided to add character with Western art and give the game a name.
He’s made them for family, friends and for a local Colorado restaurant, all with different colorful backgrounds he paints. They include something ranchers have plenty of - old cowboy boots.
The painted back boards set up like an easel and have hinges to fold up to store when not in use. Peterman cuts 2 by 4s the height of the boot and screws it to the back board, before screwing the boot on the 2 by 4 near the heel. He uses 5 or 6 boots on each game and randomly paints numbers on the heel of each boot. The 7 to 8-in. dia. loops are made of 3/4-in. sisal rope, with ends secured with surgical tubing or industrial, weather-proof tape.
Players stand about 6 ft. from the board and take turns throwing 6 rings. While that sounds easy because of the short distance, it’s actually pretty tricky, Peterman says.
Players toss the ropes either horseshoe or frisbee-style. There are no real rules to the game. Points can be added per person or by adding the totals of team members.
Playing Cowboy Boot Loops is just a lot of fun and great anytime friends get together, Peterman says. DIY FARM SHOW readers shouldn’t have any problem making versions of their own.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Steve Peterman, 1281 Co. Rd. 319, Westcliffe, Colo. 81252 (ph 719 431-0365; mulekick52@yahoo.com).
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