2021 - Volume #45, Issue #2, Page #36
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Remote Control Post Driver Tackles Tough Terrain
The 10,000-lb. tracked machine has a low center of gravity to handle even extreme slopes. Add a front-end bucket/carryall, rear-mount driver and remote control, and you have a post driver like no other.
“I have fenced a lot of real hard, dry, rocky ground in challenging places to put in a post,” recalls Floyd Yoder, Montana Post Driver. “We designed the Mountain Goat to operate safely and easily in difficult situations and terrain.”
The remote control allows one person to set the post and drive it, quickly and safely.
“With the Mountain Goat’s radio remote control, not only does the operator not have to be on the machine, he can also be up to 200 ft. away while it is traversing a steep slope,” says Yoder.
The 6 1/2 by 12-ft. body sits on independent tracks with hydraulic drive motors. A 48 hp. Kubota engine powers the hydraulic pump that drives everything on the 10,000-lb. machine.
Yoder notes that the current design has all the bells and whistles a professional fencer like he once was could ask for. The post driver itself can swing to the left, right or rear of the Mountain Goat chassis. A pilot hole auger alongside the driver helps the jackhammer-type head tap posts into even rocky, packed soils. A front-end-loader type arm on the front of the machine unloads posts from a trailer or truck and carries them to the fence line.
It is the bells and whistles that push the Mountain Goat’s projected price over $100,000. However, it is still in the development stage, and Yoder has changes planned.
“We are coming out with a lower cost design,” says Yoder. “It may not offer the 3-side post driving. It will also have a different front-mount for buckets.
“The $100,000 may not be too much for a dedicated, professional fencer, especially for a machine that eliminates a second worker,” says Yoder. “The lower priced units should appeal to smaller fencing contractors.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Montana Post Driver, 2826 Gold Creek Rd., Gold Creek, Mont. 59733 (ph 406 306-0017 or 800 330-1937; www.montanapostdriver.com).
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