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Two Rakes Joined Together
I joined two rakes together by running a bolt through both handles to serve as a pivot point. To pick up leaves and mulch, I just grab both handles and pull them apart. I replaced the rakes’ original wooden handles with rigid 3/4-in. dia. aluminum tubes because they can handle more pressure without breaking. The tubes are off an old coat rack.
    The wire tines on my rakes are stronger and more rigid than the metal or plastic tines on other rakes so I can pick up a bigger load.
    I used to own a construction company and stripped off a lot of wood and asphalt shingles. I hauled the shingles in a 2-wheeled dump trailer I made from a 1948 Jeep Willys. The box measures 8 ft. long by 4 ft. wide and tall and holds about one ton of shingles.
(Quinton Tschetter, 2379 Hwy. 92, Oskaloosa, Iowa 52577 (ph 641 660-9765; Qct1944@gmail.com)

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2021 - Volume #45, Issue #3