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Start ‘Em Young
Heath Leentjes is 12 years old and already an avid FARM SHOW reader. His mom Danyelle sent us his photo and says he has known that he wants to work with heavy equipment since he was two.
He and his dad are currently rebuilding an old go-cart they found at a junk yard. Heath picked out the engine.
“He studies everything he can get his hands on and is extremely knowledgable on just about every manufacturer and machine. He would go to work right now if he could.
“Heath stumbled on one of your FARM SHOW “Made It Myself” Encyclopedias at Tractor Supply Co. a few weeks ago and hasn’t put it down. He then decided to go online to see if you have more books. He used his allowance to buy a couple more and I have no doubt he will be purchasing the entire collection bit by bit,” says Danyelle.
Editors note: After hearing about this young man’s enthusiasm for the kinds of projects taken on by our readers, we decided to send him our entire collection of FARM SHOW books at no cost. Keep in touch Heath!

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2021 - Volume #45, Issue #4